2020年成立CSEL(Co-Simulation based Engineering Lab)机械系统动力学联合仿真实验室。主持、参与纵向、横向项目金额达1300余万元,发表SCI学术论文10余篇,完成了前国际理论与应用力学联盟(IUTAM)主席德国Schiehlen教授著作《应用动力学》的翻译工作。
2019年作为Co-Organizer组织了美国工程师协会ASME-MSNDC大会《汽车模拟仿真与控制》分会,2019年在上海应用技术大学组织了《中德智能制造国际交流论坛》、2017年与德国Schweizer教授共同组织了IUTAM下设的第一届《Co-Simulation and Solver Coupling》专家研讨会。曾担任Journal of Sound and Vibration、Mechanism and Machine Theory等多个国际期刊审稿人。

2. 多物理域系统系统模拟仿真

[1] Schweizer, B.;Lu, D.: Semi-Implicit Co-Simulation Approach for Solver Coupling, Archive of Applied Mechanics, vol. 84,pp.1739-1769, 2014. |
[2] Schweizer, B.; Lu, D.: Stabilized Index-2 Co-Simulation Approach for
Solver Coupling with Algebraic Constraints, Multibody System Dynamics, vol. 34, pp. 129-161, 2015. |
[3] Schweizer, B.; Lu, D.; Li, P.: Co-Simulation Method for Solver Coupling
with Algebraic Constraints Incorporating Relaxation Techniques, Multibody System Dynamics, vol. 36, pp. 1-36, 2016. |
[4] Koutsovasilis, P.; Driot, N.; Lu, D.; Schweizer, B.: Quantification of sub-synchronous vibrations for turbocharger rotors with full-floating ring bearings, Archive of Applied Mechanics, vol. 85, pp.481-502, 2015. |
[5] Boyaci, A.; Lu, D.; Schweizer, B.: Stability and bifurcation phenomena of Laval/Jeffcott rotors in semi-floating ring bearings, NonlinearDynamics,
vol. 79, pp. 1535-1561, 2015. |