Joint Programs
发布时间: 2020-12-11 浏览次数: 56

Now there are two joint education programs. One Runs by Mechanical Design, Manufacturing and Automation in cooperation with Central Michigan University, U.S., providing Bachelor’s Degree, the other runs with Da Yeh University, Taiwan, to exchange students one semester. Postgraduate joint training model 3+1+1 (or 2) is still under negotiation with Central Michigan University, as follows:

 Cooperation: 3(Study in SIT)+1(Study in CMU, where providing the same courses with SIT as far as possible, get SIT Bachelor’s Degree)+1(or 2)(Select CMU existing specialty to obtain Master's Degree). Junior students apply for postgraduate study in March to May each year, study courses or alternative curriculum in accordance with SIT teaching plan. Choose 8 courses to study, of which including 4 or 5 elective courses. Some master courses can be studied if possible, after finishing that student can enter 2-year Master’s learning, or else 1 year, if students complete all the courses required within 1 year, with TOFEL over 79 points.

 Object: Enrolled students

 Estimated cost per year: $12,500 tuition+ $12,500 living expenses= $ 25,000