发布时间: 2019-03-29 浏览次数: 165


Jianguo Zhang, male, doctor of engineering (Shanghai Jiaotong University), associate professor, master tutor. Member of Shanghai Engineering Graphics Society. Presided over 4 vertical projects such as Shanghai Science and Technology Commission, Education Commission, Education Foundation and Minhang District Health Planning Commission, 2 internal school projects, 2 horizontal projects, and 1 postgraduate education reform project. The main accomplishers participated in 3 projects and 3 cross-cutting projects of the National Natural Science Foundation of China and the Shanghai Municipal Science and Technology Commission.In recent years, he has published more than 20 papers in academic journals at home and abroad. More than 20 papers published in domestic and foreign academic journals in recent years. Research direction: image processing, analysis and machine vision. The main courses offered: mechanical drawing and computer drawing, drawing basis (including CAD), chemical engineering drawing (including CAD), NX 3D modeling foundation, NX 3D modeling practice, electromechanical equipment 3D design, virtual prototype technology and its application, Testing techniques, etc.