1、基于多孔泡沫金属的磁流变液阻尼器的机理及性能研究,国家自然科学基金,2012-2014 2、大尺度曲面板材工件渐进冷成形技术研究,上海教委重点学科建设项目,2011-2012 3、超长大开口U形曲面的高强度板材工件成形缺陷分析,上海应用技术学院人才引进基金,2011-2012 4、金属板材电磁脉冲渐进成形方法及其基础理论研究,国家自然科学基金,2009-2011 5、船用超长大开口度U形吊臂制造工艺及装备研究,三一重工科技创新基金项目,2007-2009 6、产品零件的RE/RP/RT综合集成技术的教学研究,集美大学教改研究项目,2006-2007 7、高档新型出水器快速制造新技术研发,厦门市产学研基金项目,2005-2007 8、基于RE/RP/SE复合技术的复杂造型出水器快速制造新技术研究,厦门市科技创新基金项目,2004-2006 9、基于Pro/E平台的柴油机曲轴结构动应力分析,集美大学校基金,2002-2004 科研成果 近三年发表的学术论文(第一作者) [1]. Zemin Fu (付泽民), Jianhua Mo, Pan Gong, Wenxian Zhang, Zhongwei Li, Kui Huang.2009. Mould correction for sheet metal multi-step incremental air-bending forming based on close-loop control and FEM simulation. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 51: 732-740. (SCI&EI 收录) [2]. Zemin Fu (付泽民), Jianhua Mo, Lin Chen, Wei Chen. 2010. Using genetic algorithm-back propagation neural network prediction and finite-element model simulation to optimize the process of multiple-step incremental air-bending forming of sheet metal. Materials and Design, 31:267-277. (SCI&EI 收录) [3]. Zemin Fu (付泽民), Jianhua Mo, Wenxian Zhang. 2009. Study on multiple-step incremental air-bending forming of sheet metal with springback model and FEM simulation. International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 45: 448- 458. (SCI&EI 收录) [4]. Zemin Fu (付泽民), Jianhua Mo. 2010. Multiple-step incremental air-bending forming of high-strength sheet metal based on simulation analysis. Materials and Manufacturing Processes, 25:806-816. (SCI&EI 收录) [5]. Zemin Fu (付泽民), Jianhua Mo. 2011. Springback prediction of high-strength sheet-metal under air-bending forming and tool parameter reverse solution based on GA-BPNN. International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 53: 473-483. (SCI&EI 收录) [6]. Zemin Fu (付泽民), Dachao Hu, Guangming Liu, Ergeng Zhang. 2011.Multi-step incremental air-bending forming simulation for U-shaped workpiece with super length and large opening of sheet metal. International Journal of Materials and Product Technology, 42(3/4): 247-262. (SCI&EI 收录) [7]. Zemin Fu (付泽民), Dachao Hu, Xuhui Liu. 2011. Incremental air-bending forming simulation of sheet metal based on anisotropic plasticity theory. Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials – Rapid Communications, 5(12): 1312 – 1319. (SCI&EI收录) [8]. Zemin Fu (付泽民), Jianhua Mo, Fei Han, Pan Gong. Tool path correction algorithm for single-point incremental forming of sheet metal, International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, DOI: 10.1007/s00170-012-4082-7 (SCI&EI源刊) [9]. Zemin Fu (付泽民), Guangming Liu. 2011. Prediction for air-bending springback radius of sheet metal using back propagation neural network and micro genetic algorithm. Advanced Materials Research, 219-220: 1174-1177. (EI 收录) [10]. Zemin Fu (付泽民). 2012. Numerical Simulation of Springback in Air-bending Forming of Sheet Metal. Applied Mechanics and Materials, 121-126 : 3602-3606. (EI 收录) [11]. 付泽民, 莫健华, 陈伟, 王波, 聂东健. 2010. 基于量纲分析法的金属板材折弯回弹数学模型. 机械工程学报, 46(12): 53- 58. (EI 收录) [12]. 付泽民, 胡大超, 刘旭辉. 板材多道次直线凸凹模折弯回弹补偿的模具修正. 上海交通大学学报 (2012 / 7 刊出, EI 源刊) [13]. 付泽民, 莫健华, 韩飞, 龚攀. 2010. 金属板材多道次渐进折弯成形的回弹补偿. 华中科技大学学报: 自然科学版, 38(5): 105- 108. (EI 收录) [14]. 付泽民, 胡大超, 刘旭辉. 大尺度等截面U形板材工件的成形模拟与实验研究. 中南大学学报: 自然科学版 (2012 / 5 刊出, EI 源刊) [15]. 付泽民, 莫健华, 王永骥, 马志强. 2009. 金属板折弯成形回弹预测及凸模几何参数反求. 华中科技大学学报: 自然科学版, 37(11): 86- 89. (EI 收录) [16] 付泽民, 胡大超, 莫健华, 刘旭辉. 大尺度U形板材工件鼓形翘曲缺陷分析及消除. 材料科学与工艺 (2012 / 2 刊出, EI 源刊) |