Agreement for
“Bolaite Scholarship”& “Bolaite Stipend Fund”
Party A: Bolaite (Shanghai) Compressor Co., Ltd
(“Bolaite” hereafter)
Party B: Shanghai Institute of Technology (“SIT” hereafter)
In order to support education development as well as to reward good performed students and teachers, both parties agree that Part A invests to establish “Bolaite Scholarship” and “Bolaite Stipend Fund”. The funds will be used to reward students and teachers, as well as to provide financial aids to the students in poverty. Meanwhile, it also provides opportunity to present Bolaite’s superior mechanical products and technologies, company culture, and it commitment to China society.
It is herewith agreed by both parties for the following terms and conditions:
从2012年起,甲方在乙方设立“博莱特奖学金” 和“博莱特助学金”,基金的总额为每年人民币叁万元整。奖学金和助学金的分配比例如下:
From Year2012, Party A establishes “Bolaite Scholarship” and “Bolaite Stipend Fund” in Party B. The total funding is RMB 30,000 per annum. The detailed funds for the following targeted students and teachers are listed as below:
奖励对象 Targeted Group | 奖励人数 Number | 年度奖金(人民币) Annual Fund (RMB) | 奖励总额(人民币) Total Fund (RMB) |
全日制本科四年级学生 Students in Grade Four | 3 | 3,000 | 9,000 |
全日制本科三年级学生 Students in Grade Three | 3 | 3,000 | 9,000 |
贫困生 Students in poverty | 2 | 3,000 | 6,000 |
优秀教师 Teacher | 2 | 3,000 | 6,000 |
人民币叁万元整 | 30,000 |
1. 乙方负责在其相关网站和其他宣传途径公布本奖学金和助学金计划。
Party B is responsible for communicating and advertising Party A’s funding plans through the website and other communication channels in the university.
2. 由乙方向相关学生发布奖学金申请公告,并组织学生填写奖学金申请表。
The scholarship and stipend fund applications will be published and organized by Party B, to the targeted groups of students.
3. 甲、乙双方将组成奖学金和助学金评定委员会,负责设立基金的评定标准、评定流程,并实施对申请学生的审核。同时,乙方负责优秀教师评定工作。
A Scholarship and stipend fund committee will be established from both parties and responsible for the design and implementation of assessment standards and operation process. Besides, Party B is also responsible for the assessment of excellent performed teachers.
4. 乙方协助甲方进行奖学金颁奖的组织工作。
Party B will coordinate with Party A in terms of organizing the awarding ceremonies of the funds.
5. 甲方负责组织获奖学生、教师参观和考察公司。根据公司需要,希望奖学金获得者参加企业的社会实践活动。对即将毕业的获奖学生,甲方优先提供本集团内企业的就职机会。
Party A is responsible for organizing company visits for the awarded students and teachers, and arranging students for internship. Party A is also offering job opportunities to the graduated students who are awarded with Bolaite scholarship.
7. 甲方将奖学金和助学金费用汇入乙方指定账户( 开户银行:农行桂林所 账号: 033872-08017021200 账户:上海应用技术学院)。乙方收到汇款后,应立即向甲方出具正式收据。
Party A will remit the total amount of the funds to the designated bank account of Party B. And Party B will issue the official receipt upon receiving the funds.
8. 甲、乙双方将于每年重新审核当年度奖学金和助学金的设立情况。
The annual scholarship and stipend fund will be reviewed and defined by both parties in each year.
9. 本协议一式两份,甲乙双方各执一份,签字后生效,二份合同具有同等法律效力。本合同有中英文两种版本,具有同等效力。本协议其他未尽事由由甲乙双方协商解决。
This agreement has two copies held by both parties with equal legal validity upon duly signed by both parties. Both Chinese and English versions have equal validity. Any unsettled issues will be communicated and defined by both parties hereafter.
Bolaite (Shanghai) Compressor Co., Ltd
日期 Date:
Party B: Shang Institute of Technology
日期 Date: